Welcome to
Feilding Baptist Church

Te Haahi Iriiri o Aorangi

Belonging - Growing - Serving
Tūrangawaewae - Tupu Whakarangi - Manaaki Tāngata

Sunday worship @ 10am, all welcome!

We also have a Zoom option for those offsite
If you are unwell, please stay home and join by Zoom.

Catering for young people @ 10am

On Sundays during school terms we have three Kidz Church programmes operating from midway through the service for 1-14 year olds.

Prayer for Feilding @ 7pm on the first Sunday of the month.

Cuppa, Chat & Play

A preschoolers' group during term time Mondays @ 9:45am (not public holidays)

Come and have a cuppa and chat as children play with company.

Girls Brigade

Please contact Lynne or Lauretta for details.

Term time Tuesdays @ 5pm.


Anchor 5-8 year olds

Adventure 9-12 year olds

Delta 13+

$30 per term ($50 for 2 boys) plus cost for printed polo shirt.

Parents are invited to 'hang' about the first night to see what happens.

There will be enrollment forms available.

2023 Annual Report (abridged)
for 2024 Annual Meeting

Feilding Baptist Church is a member of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand

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